If you own a commercial restaurant or a business that deals with food and meals, you will need to have a kitchen with smooth and efficient running equipment. Although, it is very easy for any appliance to run into a problem, but it can be avoided as well. For instance, the commercial range is one of the most important commercial kitchen appliances. If it experiences problems, you might experience a delay in food preparations and might even lose customers. So, you need to keep it running in perfect condition by maintaining it and calling in commercial gas oven repair services immediately if the range or its oven breaks down.
To help you with maintenance, here are some important things to do.
Clean And Degrease Regularly
When it comes to maintaining your commercial range, you need to keep in mind that it experiences oil, dirt, and grease accumulations. Such things might come off as nothing to you but in the long run, directly impact the performance of the commercial range. This is because accumulations can take place deep inside the unit where accessibility is not possible.
There have been many incidents in the past where lack of maintenance caused expensive commercial ranges to be permanently replaced simply because no one was able to spot the layers of dirt, dust, and grime. Although commercial ranges are made to deal with oil and other factors, cleaning and degreasing are also necessary.
Since you own a commercial restaurant, you must clean your commercial range at the end of every working day. Instead of relying on someone to do it, you should simply grab a soft cloth, brush, and some chemicals that will help break down the accumulations.
Regular Inspections
Part of maintaining your commercial range includes performing regular inspections. Believe it or not, inspections can play a huge role when it comes to ensuring that your commercial range performs smoothly for years to come. Unfortunately, many commercial business owners find the process overwhelming.
Regular inspections are simply about taking a good look around the unit and keeping an eye out for unusual signs & symptoms. Sometimes, the unit may be working fine but a minor leak or some other problem deep inside the unit may occur. As commercial kitchens tend to be busy places, it can be hard to spot such issues.
This is why, you should take your time and inspect the unit when you are mentally free. This will allow you to go and consider areas that are otherwise not accessible.
Check, Replace, And Maintain Gaskets
Your commercial range might contain gaskets and seals. These gaskets and seals are usually made of plastic or some other relevant materials. This means that they have a lifespan attached to them especially because they have to bear the brunt of extreme temperatures.
That said, with time, the seals and gaskets are bound to crack and require replacement. From the outside, the gaskets and seals may all look the same but are different for each model. This is why you will either need to read the user manual or get an expert to help you out.
If the unit is new, you will be able to claim it by contacting the manufacturer as the unit will be under warranty. On the other hand, if the unit happens to be old, you will need to pay for the replacement.
Calibrate Thermostats
Modern commercial ranges are equipped with all sorts of features. For instance, built-in thermostats allow users or chefs to cook and prepare meals at specific temperatures to maintain consistency. But, if you have an old commercial range and you have installed an aftermarket thermostat, you might face some complications.
Bear in mind that thermostats are electronic devices. This means that external factors such as heat, humidity, and other factors can influence their performance. Thermostats can also lose their calibration if the unit was recently serviced.
Furthermore, it could also be that the batteries need replacement. For a solution, you can try replacing the batteries or calibrating the thermostat. If the thermostat needs calibration, you will need to consult an expert. They will use a multimeter to calibrate the thermostat.
Thermostat calibration is important for other commercial appliances as well like a commercial deep fryer. However, if the deep fryer is not turning on, consider deep fryer repair Fairfax.
Train The Staff To Properly Use And Look After
Commercial kitchens can be extremely busy places, especially during business days. Since your commercial range will be the most used kitchen appliance, the entire staff must be regularly trained and educated about its proper use. In addition to that, the team should be trained to maintain the commercial range properly.
You should make it a rule for the staff to clean the kitchen and the equipment at the end of each working day. This will make it a lot easier for you to spot complications that might trouble you down the road. In some cases, it might also save you professional maintenance.
Moreover, it would be a lot easier for you to maintain the unit if you were to manage a maintenance schedule or log. Simply write down the date and time of inspections and maintenance so that you can follow up when needed.
Schedule Professional Maintenance
Professional maintenance is necessary if the team is not able to perform or look after the unit the right way. Such procedures require a team of experts who go deep inside the unit using special tools and inspect for any cracks, malfunctions, or damage that might influence the performance later on.
Some commercial business owners believe it is simply a waste of money. However, the difference lies in the perception. If you consider the fact that professional maintenance deals with both cleaning, repairing, and replacing issues that could hurt your business, you should opt for it if you can afford it.
As a general rule of thumb, you should schedule professional maintenance at least once a month.
How To Clean Your Commercial Range And Oven?
If you intend to clean or maintain the commercial range on your own, you will need a soft cloth, brush, and a cleaning agent. Make sure the range is not hot. If you have recently used it, allow it to cool down for some time before you can get your hands inside.
Once the unit has cooled down or is already cool, you will need to consult the user manual and remove the removable components. Plus, do make sure that you wear protective equipment as well such as gloves and goggles. Then, spray the cleaning agent over the area containing accumulations and let it sit there to break down oil, dirt, and grease.
Proceed with removing stubborn stains and accumulations using a brush and rinse the area. Repeat the process with the entire unit and make sure it is dry before using it again.
You can keep your commercial range and oven in excellent condition if you follow a proper maintenance schedule and consider the tips mentioned above. This will ensure your commercial range stays out of trouble for longer durations. However, if it’s not turning on or showing problems, consult a commercial oven repair Alexandria technician.